DecorateThis, jsRequest, ODataAngularResources


DecorateThis (GitHub: mako-taco/DecorateThis, License: Apache 2.0, npm: decorate-this) by Jake Scott is the first library to my knowledge that takes advantage of ES7 decorators. Decorators allow you to annotate classes and properties.

An example of a decorator is @readonly:

class Person {  
  name() { return `${this.first} ${this.last}` }

This is far less complex than the older Object.defineProperty syntax:

Object.defineProperty(Person.prototype, 'name', {  
  value: specifiedFunction,
  enumerable: false,
  configurable: true,
  writable: true

The DecorateThis module provides some very handy decorators for argument type checking, including:

  • Memoization: @memoized
  • Type validation: primitive types @param(Number), and a class T is checked with @param(T)
  • Duck type checks: @param({ hello: String, info: { age: Number, color: String } });

If these checks fail type errors are thrown, which means you'll need exception handlers for places where these checks should be caught and handled gracefully.


Bruno Panuto and Danilo Valente have been working on a JavaScript file loader called jsRequest (GitHub: danilo-valente/jsRequest, License: MIT) since back in 2013. It handles asynchronous loading, and the syntax supports loading multiple files with a chained API:


It supports extra options that allow success and failure callbacks to be supplied, and it also has a progress callback. If you need to order requests, then you can use the wait method.

jsRequest tracks the request history, so if you need to check what files have been loaded you can inspect the jsRequest.history object.


I recently wrote about OData Server, and Raphael Atallah sent in ODataAngularResources (GitHub: devnixs/ODataAngularResources, License: MIT), a fork of Angular's $resource that allows making OData queries using a fluent API.

Once you've added the dependency, you can do cool stuff like this:

var User = $odataresource('/user/:userId', { userId:'@id' });  
var myUsers = User.odata()  
  .filter('Name', 'John')

You can also use top, orderBy, and skip, and request single elements. The readme has full examples including details on how to create more complex queries with predicates.

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