jsMorph – javaScript motion framework
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jsMorph is a morphing - motion - tweening framework that knows what you need to do... get going!
It's a nice ensemble of best timing, fast, smart and resource saving algorithms and convenience.
jsMorph is a completely Cross-Browser, pure javaScript animation framework that can manipulate almost any and multiple stylings of multiple HTML elements. It auto detects start positions, auto converts units, automatically adjusts rendering speed and corrects time leaks for smoother rendering experience. Even if used for queued multiple elements, jsMorph can do single or grouped triggering as well as handling plenty of unique or overall callback functions.
All methods within jsMorph are chain able for less hassle and coding!
jsMorph can also be used for converting units to pixels or any other unit ( em, pt, pc, in, cm, mm, ex, % ).
Relative animation, color and opacity is now supported.