Event Sourcing with Examples – Node.js at Scale

Event Sourcing is a powerful architectural pattern to handle complex application states that may need to be rebuilt, re-played, audited or debugged.

From this article you can learn what Event Sourcing is, and when should you use it. We’ll also take a look at some Event sourcing examples with code snippets.

Node.js at Scale is a collection of articles focusing on the needs of companies with bigger Node.js installations and advanced Node developers. Chapters:

  • Using npm
  • Node.js Internals Deep Dive
  • Building
  • Testing
    • Unit testing
    • End-to-end testing
  • Node.js in Production
    • Monitoring Node.js Applications
    • Debugging Node.js Applications
    • Profiling Node.js Applications
  • Microservices
    • Request Signing
    • Distributed Tracing
    • API Gateways

Event Sourcing

Event Sourcing is a software architecture pattern which makes it possible to reconstruct past states (latest state as well). It's achieved in a way that every state change gets stored as a sequence of events.

The State of your application is like a user's account balance or subscription at a particular time. This current state may only exist in memory.

Good examples for Event Sourcing are version control systems like GIT. The current state is your latest source code, and events are your commits.

Why is Event Sourcing useful?

In our hypothetical example, you are working on an online money transfer site, where every customer has an account balance. Imagine that you just started working on a beautiful Monday morning when it suddenly turns out that you made a mistake and used a wrong currency exchange for the whole past week. In this case, every account which sent and received money in a last seven days are in a corrupt state.

With event sourcing, there’s no need to panic!

If your site uses event sourcing, you can revert the account balances to their previous uncorrupted state, fix the exchange rate and replay all the events until now. That's it, your job and reputation is saved!

Other use-cases

You can use events to audit or debug state changes in your system. They can also be useful for handling SaaS subscriptions. In a usual subscription based system, your users can buy a plan, upgrade it, downgrade it, pro-rate a current price, cancel a plan, apply a coupon, and so on... A good event log can be very useful to figure out what happened.

So with event sourcing you can:

  • Rebuild states completely
  • Replay states from a specific time
  • Reconstruct the state of a specific moment for temporary query

What is an Event?

An Event is something that happened in the past. An Event is not a snapshot of a state at a specific time; it's the action itself with all the information that's necessary to replay it.

Events should be a simple object which describes some action that occurred. They should be immutable and stored in an append-only way. Their immutable append-only nature makes them suitable to use as audit logs too.

This is what makes possible to undo and redo events or even replay them from a specific timestamp.

Be careful with External Systems!

As any software pattern, Event Sourcing can be challenging at some points as well.

The external systems that your application communicates with are usually not prepared for event sourcing, so you should be careful when you replay your events. I’m sure that you don’t wish to charge your customers twice or send all welcome emails again.

To solve this challenge, you should handle replays in your communication layers!

Command Sourcing

Command Sourcing is a different approach from Event Sourcing - make sure you don’t mix ‘em up by accident!

Event Sourcing:

  • Persist only changes in state
  • Replay can be side-effect free

Command Sourcing:

  • Persist Commands
  • Replay may trigger side-effects

Example for Event Sourcing

In this simple example, we will apply Event Sourcing for our accounts:

// current account states (how it looks in our DB now)
const accounts = {  
  account1: { balance: 100 },
  account2: { balance: 50 }
// past events (should be persisted somewhere, for example in a DB)
const events = [  
  { type: 'open', id: 'account1', balance: 150, time: 0 },
  { type: 'open', id: 'account2', balance: 0, time: 1 },
  { type: 'transfer', fromId: 'account1', toId: 'account2': amount: 50, time: 2 }

Let's rebuild the latest state from scratch, using our event log:

// complete rebuild
const accounts = events.reduce((accounts, event) => {  
  if (event.type === 'open') {
    accounts[event.id].balance = event.balance
  } else if (event.type === 'transfer') {
    accounts[event.fromId].balance -= event.amount
    accounts[event.toId].balance += event.amount
  return accounts
}, {})

Undo the latest event:

// undo last event
const accounts = events.splice(-1).reduce((accounts, event) => {  
  if (event.type === 'open') {
    delete accounts[event.id]
  } else if (event.type === 'transfer') {
    accounts[event.fromId].balance += event.amount
    accounts[event.toId].balance -= event.amount
  return accounts
}, {})

Query accounts state at a specific time:

// query specific time
function getAccountsAtTime (time) {  
  return events.reduce((accounts, event) => {
    if (time > event.time {
      return accounts

    if (event.type === 'open') {
      accounts[event.id].balance = event.balance
    } else if (event.type === 'transfer') {
      accounts[event.fromId].balance -= event.amount
      accounts[event.toId].balance += event.amount
    return accounts
  }, {})

const accounts = getAccountsAtTime(1)  

Learning more..

For more detailed examples, you can check out our Event Sourcing Example repository.

For more general and deeper understanding of Event Sourcing I recommend to read these articles:

In the next part of the Node.js at Scale series, we’ll learn about Command Query Responsibility Segregation. Make sure you check back in a week!

If you have any questions on this topic, please let me know in the comments section below!

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